Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Project FAIL

I try to do at least one project a day with Gretchen. I do it for the standard reasons like developing motor skills and all that, but I also do it because it will keep her occupied for longer than 5 minutes. Two-year-olds aren't exactly known for their long attention spans so I consider a project a success if it captures her attention long enough for some sort of finished object. Sometimes that's a whole painting, and sometimes that's a couple of construction paper circles halfheartedly glued to a sheet of newsprint. Like most parents, I consider myself to be the expert in my child and I am usually pretty adept at picking activities that fit her interests and skill level.

But sometimes I fail. And I fail hard.

Enter macaroni necklaces. I was sure that macaroni necklaces were going to be a HUGE hit. Gretchen is really into dress up. She's constantly begging me for my jewelery. She insists that she is "the Princess Pea" from Super Why! and walks around with a magic wand. She loves playing with her pasta. What could go wrong?

She was unimpressed. Completely, totally and utterly uninterested. Instead of bailing I tried to sweeten the deal with construction paper shapes that she could string like beads. She wanted the hole puncher. I tried to show her how to use it but she wasn't interested in the direction and also couldn't figure out how to squeeze the punch. Cue epic meltdown. There was crying. There was screaming. There was kicking and pants-peeing. Did I mention the screaming? 'Cause there was a lot of that.

I spent a lot of time trying to figure out where exactly I went wrong. She should have been interested in making necklaces! Stringing isn't above her skill set. She's into necklaces and construction paper. We used tape! Macaroni necklaces should have been a hit!

But they weren't. In retrospect, I was so into the project and so convinced that Gretchen would enjoy herself that I ignored the signs that she wasn't having fun. I continued to push her to string even when it was clear she was no longer interested, and I threw in another element with the hole puncher. The hole puncher would have been OK, and might have even saved the activity, except she didn't know how to use it. I let her continue to fumble with the hole puncher until she got so frustrated she couldn't handle it. Epic Mama fail. I know better. But hey, at least I learned something.

But enough of that. Tomorrow is another day and right now I have a sleeping toddler, a warm bed and a little baby waiting to cuddle.

The calm before the storm.


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